36 VPO en Rabasa. Alicante 36
Subsidised Housing in Rabasa. Alicante |
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Arquitecto/Architect: |
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Propuesta SELECCIONADA en el apartado OBRA CONSTRUIDA por el
Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España C.S.C.A.E. en
el Concurso de Ideas sobre Vivienda Social
Project SELECTED by the Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España C.S.C.A.E. [Council of Spanish Colleges of Architects]in the BUILT WORK section of the Ideas on Social Housing Competition. |
la forma arquitectónica construida en Rabasa
Un solar alargado en dirección norte-sur, de una anchura diez veces menor. Al oeste, una zona residencial de baja densidad, y al este, separada por un talud ajardinado cuya pendiente aumenta hacia el sur, discurre una vía rápida de tráfico rodado. El proyecto plantea llevar al límite todos los condicionantes de partida: la disposición y forma del solar, viviendas de protección oficial, primera vivienda, orientación, ruido de autovía, 3 alturas, 3 bloques, patios en planta baja, no patios interiores, posibilidad de retranqueos, dos viviendas en planta baja de 75 m2, materiales que supongan poco mantenimiento y con gran durabilidad,... Lo que verdaderamente nos importa es la idea arquitectónica. No se trata de la búsqueda de la forma del edificio, sino de la búsqueda de un modo de intervención capaz de convertir los condicionantes en oportunidades para la arquitectura. Partimos de la búsqueda de un módulo de vivienda -una serie de volúmenes que se agrupan y se apilan- permitiendo viviendas pasantes con triples orientaciones, terrazas en las cubiertas de los volúmenes inferiores, terrazas en voladizo, viviendas giradas, viviendas más pequeñas... Todas las viviendas incorporan uno o varios patios-terrazas. Para resolver esa multiplicidad espacial enmarcada siempre en los límites de la propia parcela se trabaja dentro de una trama espacial ligada a la modulación estructural con una serie de volúmenes prismáticos que van desplazándose en sentido este-oeste. La vivienda surge de la asociación de dos volúmenes. En uno se alberga todas las actividades diurnas de la vivienda, donde el paquete funcional, comedor y estar, se plantea con una distribución difusa, flexible, en el que el usuario tiene la última palabra, pero siempre con doble orientación (Este-Oeste). Y en el otro, el paquete funcional de zonas de noche, alberga tres habitaciones indiferenciadas, de más de diez metros cuadrados cada una, capaces de constituirse en refugio privado dentro de la vida familiar. La forma arquitectónica, un volumen fragmentado y a la vez, con carácter unitario se ve reforzado por el juego de luces y sombras. Las transparencias sugeridas por las piezas pasantes. Al anochecer, se manifiesta el efecto visillo de las protecciones en barandillas y defensas. ¿UNA CUESTIÓN DE PIEL DE
On the architectural form built in Rabasa.
A long plot running north-south, its width a tenth of its length. To the west, a low-density residential area. To the east, divided from it by a landscaped bank sloping more sharply to the south, a fast transit route. The project proposed to take all the initial constraints to their limits: the location and shape of the site, subsidised housing for first-time buyers, orientation, road noise, 3 storeys, 3 blocks, ground-floor courtyards, no air wells, possibility of set-backs, two 75 m2 ground-floor flats, low-maintenance high-durability materials, etc. What was really important to us was the architectural idea. The final shape could vary (due to structural problems, installations, views, openings, setting back the stairwell, etc.). It was not so much a question of seeking the form of the building as of finding a way to turn the constraints into opportunities for architecture: the form sprang from an idea that evolved through a considered reading of the constraints of the brief and place. The starting point was the search for a housing module - a series of volumes that can be grouped and stacked - that would allow through flats facing in three directions, terraces on the roofs of the lower volumes, projecting terraces, flats at an angle, smaller flats, etc. All the flats have one or more courtyards/terraces/balconies. To sort out this spatial multiplicity, always within the framework of the limits of the plot, we worked with a series of prismatic blocks moving from east to west in a spatial grid linked to the structural modulation. The flats arise out of the association of two volumes. One houses all the day-time activities; the functional living-dining package, which always faces in two directions (east-west), has a diffuse, flexible distribution in which the user has the last word. The other, the functional package of night-time zones, has three undifferentiated rooms, each measuring over ten square metres, that can become a private refuge in the midst of family life. The architectural form, a fragmented yet unitary volume, is strengthened by the play of light and shade, the transparency suggested by the through rooms. At night, the net curtain effect of railings and parapets becomes visible. A QUESTION OF SKIN? The intended design was, from the start, a reflection on and research into the materiality of its volumes. The façade materials were chosen for their technical properties and for a series of factors that reinforced the unity of the project and contributed the necessary technical coherence. The choice of a lightweight exterior sheet of cladding like a continuous skin, distinguishing the materials on the façades at the edges of the plot from those of the volumes hollowed out by recesses and projections into the interior, was resolved by: Large prefabricated concrete panels at the edges of the site, resting on the structure and anchored to it, modulated by joints between the pieces and punched out as the openings require. Textured galvanised steel sheeting lining all the set-backs like a continuous, seamless skin and unifying the blank parts of the walls (solid sheeting) with the kitchen balconies, the sun screens and the terrace fronts (perforated sheeting). During the construction stage, the developer expressed doubts about using a material associated with industrial uses for a social housing building and requested a change in cladding material as a definitive alternative to the façade finishes specified in the working plans. Despite the architects' reservations, the following were therefore chosen: White concrete brick walls at the edges of the plot. Continuous single-layer rendering on the interior volumes and set-backs. In the end, this was one more constraint that was decided on the architecture and, of course, was also taken to the limit. The change in materials affected the concept of the ventilated façade, its construction, details of edges, continuity of solid/empty façade, etc. and posed the challenge of changing and transforming the materiality of the façade, seeking an appropriate building solution to dignify the materials through their application without substantially affecting the building as designed. The volumes remain the same, their force speaks louder than any reservations about the quality of the finishing materials. |
Promotor/Developer: Instituto Valenciano de la Vivienda, S.A. Constructor/Contractor: Colaboradors/Assistants: Aparejadores/Surveyors: Diseño y Cálculo de
design and Calculations: Fotografías/Photographs: |
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Vierteaguas para coronación de antepecho de chapa galvanizada plegada de
3 mm de espesor, sujeto mediante tornillos de acero Inoxidable con
arandela de neopreno.
2. Antepecho LCH 9 cm enfoscado en su cara interior con mortero de cemento de 1.5 cm. 3. Aislante de poliestireno extruido de 3 cm de espesor. 4. Forjado. 5. Hormigón de pendiente de 4 cm de espesor mín. y 1% de pendiente mínima. 6. Mortero de cemento de regularización. 7. Lámina impermeable de betún modificado LBM-40. 8. Placas rígidas de poliestireno extruido de 4 cm de espesor. 9. Fieltro geotextil filtrante. 10. Grava. Canto rodado de 16/32 mm con un espesor mín. de 70 mm. 11. Rejilla para contener la grava 12. Tabique conejero LCH 7 cm. 13. Tabiques LGH 7 cm perpendiculares a fachada cada 50 cm para nivelación del pavimento. 14. Baldosa armada 50x50x5 cm de china lavada. 15. Barandilla atornillada al forjado con GELCOAT o equivalente para protección de la lámina y tela metálica de gallinero como antepecho. 16. Junta de dilatación relleno de poliestireno expandido. 17. Premarco formado por chapa de acero galvanizado de 3 mm según tipo de hueco. 18. Rastrelado de madera de sección 50x50 mm, anclados a fachada cada 60 cm. 19. Chapa grecada tipo ACERALIA PL10/104 de 0.8 mm con solapes de 15 cm mediante tornillos de acero galvanizado. 20. Carpintería de aluminio colocado sobre premarco. 21. Acristalamiento CLIMALIT de 6+6+6 mm. 22. Bastidor para celosía de perfil metálico de # 30x30x2 mm. 23. Guía tipo KLEIN. 24. Chapa grecada perforada tipo ACERALIA PL10/104. 25. Chapa de 3 mm para formaclón de vierteaguas continuo sujeto al frente del forjado. 26. Enfoscado de mortero de cemento 1.5 cm en cara interior de antepecho. 27. Piezas especiales de remate de chapa de 3 mm. 28. Pavimento de terrazo 40x40 cm sobre base de arena de 2 cm y mortero de agarre de 2 cm. 29. Pavimento de terrazo 40x40 cm en exteriores sobre base de arena 2 cm y m.c. de 2 cm. 30. Rodapié de terrazo 50x15 mm. 31. Hilada perimetral de ladrillo macizo para colocación de premarcos. 32. Bastidor para antepecho de terraza de perfil metálico # 40x40x2 mm. 33. Chapa lisa perforada de 0.8 mm atornillada a bastidor. 34. Pasamanos metálico de # 40x10 mm. atornillado. 35. Anclaje de antepecho metálico. |
Parapet coping, 3 mm galvanised metal fixed with stainless steel screws
with neoprene washers
2. Parapet, 9 cm cellular brick, inner face rendered with 1.5 cm cement mortar 3. Insulation, 3 cm extruded polystyrene 4. Slab deck 5. Concrete slope, min. 4 cm thick and min. 1% pitch 6. Cement mortar screed 7. LBM-40 modified bitumen dpm 8. Rigid extruded polystyrene boards, 4 cm thick 9. Geotextile felt filter 10. Gravel: 16-32 mm totally rounded, min. 70 mm thick 11. Gravel guard 12. 'Pigeon-hole' sub-deck, 7 cm cellular brick 13. Low walls, 7 cm cellular brick, perpendicular to façade every 50 cm to level paving 14. Reinforced washed stone paving slab, 50x50x5 15. Railing bolted to roof slab with GELCOAT or similar to protect dpm, chicken wire barrier 16. Expansion joint filled with expanded polystyrene 17. Subframe in 3 mm galvanised steel, according to type of opening 18. Wooden battens, 50x50 mm, anchored to façade every 60 cm 19. ACERALIA PL10/104 type 0.8 mm textured sheet metal, 15 cm overlaps, fixed with galvanised steel screws 20. Aluminium joinery placed over sub-frame 21. CLIMALIT glazing, 6+6+6 mm 22. Screen frame, 30x30x2 mm metal section 23. KLEIN type rail 24. ACERALIA PL10/104 type textured perforated sheet metal 25. Continuous 3 mm flashing fixed to slab edge 26. Cement mortar render, 1.5 cm, on inner face of parapet 27. Special sheet metal trims, 3 mm 28. Paving: 40x40 cm terrazzo bedded on 2 cm of sand and 2 cm key mortar 29. Exterior paving: 40x40 cm terrazzo bedded on 2 cm of sand and 2 cm cement mortar 30. Terrazzo skirting, 50x15 mm 31. Solid brick perimeter course to receive sub-frames 32. Balcony parapet frame, 40x40x2 mm metal section 33. Smooth perforated sheet metal, 0.8 mm, screwed to frame 34. Metal handrail, 40x10 mm, fixed with screws 35. Metal parapet anchoring |
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